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Born in 1987 and nourished by the love of those close to me; I went through an existential void as a teenager, and since the age of 18 I had been looking for methods of fulfillment.

Aware of the suffering present in everyone, I wanted to find a path to relief.

Oriented towards various traditions of personal development based on self-observation,

it seemed essential to me to know oneself better. To understand each other better. 

It was then that I learned about Maïeusthesie, an innovative approach in many ways.Without denying the suffering and difficulties experienced, here symptoms are not seen as disorders,

but as opportunities.
Opportunities to rehabilitate wounded and neglected parts of ourselves.

The events have passed, but the feelings and emotions are still with us.


The symptoms are part of a natural process that calls for reintegrating these split parts of us.

Maïeuthesie accompanies this process until its fulfillment, which is accompanied by appeasement. 

To reconcile with a part of ourselves, with our past and our loved ones, or simply but no less importantly, to understand ourselves better. To listen to yourself better. To see yourself more clearly and with greater integrity.

Adults, teenagers and children. 


Allow 1.5 to 2 hours for one session.​

150 francs per session.

Student rate : 100 francs

It is possible to organize session on weekends and public holidays.

Sessions for couples

Feelings of loneliness, abandonment, incomprehension and anger are common among couples.
As unpleasant as they are, they have their relevance. They point to shortcomings and difficulties specific to each person's past.

A couple is, above all, two individuals.
Two beings who never stop discovering themselves.
The sessions of Maïeuthésie for couples allow everyone to express themselves in a caring environment.
This by being guided to get to the heart of what he/she personally experiences and seeks to transmit.

In this way, each partner achieves a better understanding of him or herself and of the other.
Thus giving new life and increased clarity on the reasons and expectations of the relationship.

Charters of certified practitioners


Chemin de la Motte 12, 1018 Lausanne
Also via Skype, Whatsapp, Signal or Messenger 

077 425 15 75

 @ Frédéric Jacquemin, practitioner in Maïeusthésie certified

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